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07.11.2022 (Monday)

The quantum deformed Haldane-Shastry model at root of unity

Regular Seminar Didina Serban (IPhT Saclay)

13:00 KCL
room K6.63

I will present an ongoing work on an integrable long-range deformation of the XXZ spin chain which can also be seen as a quantum deformation of the Haldane-Shastry model. At generic values for the deformation parameter, the model possess quantum affine symmetry, but when q is root of unity we expect extra symmetries to occur. We are studying the case q=i, which in the nearest neighbour case is solvable by the Jordan-Wigner transformation. The long-range case is also reducible to a fermionic long-range model. I will discuss the main characteristics of the model, which are very different for the even and odd number of sites.